When it rains it is such a beautiful event! The whole earth rejoices as it quenches the thirst of all living beings and animals. The energy from sounds alone with an approaching thunderstorm produces deep restful sleep.
The healing for a dry earth as the cracks fill with pools of moisture as they are drawn deep into the roots of the grass and trees. The air becomes cleansed with the ozone produced from the lightning, this is the only way the earth produces ozone. When one understands ozone is to oxidize all pollutants in the atmosphere, you begin to really value its need on this planet.
Ah the smell of a summer rainstorm is like no other! Rejoice in Heavens juice! Perfect creation!
I remember just a handful of years ago we had a winter rain that flooded the death valley area!
Suddenly the seeming dead landscape came to life with flowers that were dormant for century’s.
When the blocks and hurdles are removed rain happens so naturally! Results are so dramatic and life changing. All of creation is part of the Masters Plan.
Underground streams, pockets of minerals, underground oil, underground gas pockets, are all part of the vast chemical compounds making up the earth below our feet. Everything has energy and moves at a frequency when sound or magnetism is applied to it. This causes geopathic stress in many areas besides the ley lines or Hartmen lines zig zagging across our earth.Ok so you are asking what does this have to do with rain?
All of creation moves in a circle of motion. Winter, spring, summer,fall of the seasons of the year just as birth, mid-age, old age and death are all part of the circle of life. The same thing is true with all elements for natural thunderstorms to form. Moisture evaporates at the earth level or is brought in from rich moisture streams like from the gulf and as it is heated from the sun rises up into clouds untill enough moisture is present to produce rain. Another circle!
When pollution levels are high the air becomes saturated at a level this can not occur naturally. I say pollution but there are over 50 weather modification methods in use today plus all the frequency’s in the air. We can point to global warming, El nino, co2 and ten thousand other items that were not here on this planet 20 years or more ago. Cell phones are handy but towers are everywhere now. To understand get close to a major power line or cell phone tower overhead and feel the energy as it is buzzing, Well that goes up into the atmosphere alot higher than most would think and creates another hurdle for rain formation to occur. Is this why we have flooding in some areas while others are bone dry? Or when the storms form they are more violent in nature? We are dealing with a delicate balance and yes from what i have seen i believe it is.
Using 10 years of experience of tool placement into areas of congested energy i am still amazed at how well the system i have used works. It is my God gift for everyone on this planet! I do believe in taking domain and authority as this was first directive on page one of the Bible, Genesis 1:28. I have witnessed methane vapor as smog being pulled out of the atmosphere into a reverse funnel bringing it down into a ground placed disparate where it is neutralized.
Everywhere Geopathic Discs are placed energy becomes more efficient with all side frequencies brought back into the main stream so less line loss and much less radiation out flowing. Even ones placed on incoming electric lines the usage drops by 1/3 in most instances as the electricity is more condensed and efficient. When this happens on a larger scale you are bringing natural back into balance. Not a temporary fix like cloud seeding if you have clouds to play with. But a permanent fix that will last for a few years.
Also you will see clouds like we have not seen for several years, puffy with rounded edges, a delight to view!
God Bless! naturalrainman@gmail.com